Sunday, October 24, 2021

Celebration time..!

 Readers of this blog probably remember that every year we host a big family Thanksgiving. When we realized that Rachel and Evans's baby was due to make an appearance in mid-November, we decided to change things up a bit. We decided to have a Fall Family Festival in October instead. To make things easier, I asked everyone to contribute to the meal, and boy did they! 

There were cakes and pies. 

Sourdough bread and deviled eggs with LOBSTER, of all things. Over the top delicious. 

Cheryl gave us a home-raised ham, and it was delicious. We made a huge pan of mashed potatoes and set up a "potato bar," with chili, chives, sour cream, cheese, and bacon bits. People could festoon their hot 'taters to their liking. It was very popular. We also had a big pot of baked beans, Brussel sprouts, green beans, carrots, tomato casserole, and more things I can't even remember. It was all quite tasty. The weather was nice enough that some people ate out at the picnic table, with a fire crackling nearby in the ring. 

We set up a big drink trough with wine, seltzer, beer, and soda. There was hot mulled apple cider and hot mulled wine, too, fragrant with fruit and spices. 

Deb came a day early to help us set up the dishes, platters, glasses, and service pieces, and prepare the food. There are a lot of moving parts to feeding a crowd... from laying in all the ingredients to prepare the food, to figuring out where to put everything for easy serving and dining. We start well in advance, chatting on the phone, making lists, and planning. Chris, Deb, and I make a good team pulling a party together. 

We took pictures of the "elder family" and the "younger generation." I was only a little horrified to fit into the elder group. 
Kurt, his wife cousin Chris, (holding Gabby, their new pup) brother-in-law John, sister Deb, Chris, me, and sister Donna. 

The new generation boasts Evans, Rachel and baby, Elyse and brand new husband Kevin, Aimee, Emily, Jeff, and in the front one little star and one little sunshine, (whose parents wisely prefer they not appear on social media.) 

While we were on a roll entertaining, we had a baby shower for Rachel and Evans the next day. 
A champagne and quiche brunch, with one spectacular cake, gifted by Evans's kind father. 

Rachel and Evans have given their baby the in-utero nickname "Groot," after the adorable tree character in the Guardian's of the Galaxy movies. Jerome paired with his cake artist friend to create this delicious and adorable treat for the shower. It delighted us. 

I wanted to gift guests with a little something and came up with the idea of letting each guest take home a bar of goat milk soap to remember the baby shower. Because, what goes with a shower? Soap!  A local friend/customer creates special soap and happily made me a variety of fall-scented bars, with a custom label, "1+1=3."  Deb, Aimee, and I decided to display the soaps in this vintage washtub, complete with "bubbles" and rubber duckies. It was cute, and I don't think a single guest left without grabbing a bar of soap (or two!) 

We cooked up lots of delicious quiches, baked brie, a bunch of appetizers, and let guests make champagne and juice drinks. 

The house was filled with friends, and they brought piles of generous, thoughtful gifts for the baby. 
We even got Rachel to sit down for a little bit! She has been so busy and working hard, it was nice to see her be still for a few moments. Opal pug approved and settled in for a nap. 

Aimee knit a tiny cap for the baby, and Opal modeled it. A beautiful quilt made by Rachel's Grandmama was sent all the way from Mississippi. 

Rachel is still wearing her pre-pregnancy jeans and looking beautiful. Here I am hugging my grandbaby. I'm already in love, can you tell? 

We have so very much to celebrate... family, fall, a new baby, and all the people who join us in our joy. Blessings all around! We are glad we took time to celebrate. 

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