Monday, January 3, 2022

Cold snap...

 The weather tonight is forecasted to be in the single digits. The livestock needed extra care to help them stay warm. I took fresh water to the chickens this morning, mid-day, and just before they went to roost in the evening. Their food container was full, and I gave them some black oil sunflower seeds, and corn to have whole grains to digest slowly and help fuel their inner furnaces. 

I was most worried about the goats. They have warm, padded jackets to wear but have gained some weight since I bought them. I was worried they would not fit. I got them out of storage today, and to my delight, they still buckled around their round bellies. 

Though their house has rubber matting for floors and clean pine shavings, straw is a better insulator in cold weather. The problem is that the goats spread it around until it is just a thin layer, and it mats down, making it difficult to clean up. 

I came up with a crazy idea. I put a kiddie pool full of straw in a part of their cozy a few weeks ago to see what they thought. They thought it was just dandy. Unfortunately, it wasn't quite big enough for the two of them to get in simultaneously.  Local stores are not exactly teeming with pools this time of year, but a sweet friend loaned me one she had in storage. So today, I set it up, getting two hooves up from the ladies. 

All the critters are snug in their homes, with plenty of food, water, and dry bedding. And kiddie pools. I hope they help. 

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