Saturday, March 5, 2022

In like a lion...

 In my mind, March is the beginning of spring. Living in Maine, that is a bit too optimistic. This week, we had more snow; 5 or 6 inches of powder came down overnight. Light, fluffy snow like this is easier to deal with than heavy, wet snow, but still and all, I am ready for the white stuff to be gone. 

Mostly I worry about my animals. It's been single-digit cold, making keeping fresh water available for them challenging. The chickens and ducks stay in the coop, avoiding the cold and snow, and the goats trod a path from their house to the hay rack and another to the water tub. They don't wander about more than that. Their world seems very small and confined right now. 

Bravo has no qualms about forging about in the snow. He loves the stuff, running and tossing his toys about. All his yard toys were hidden under the fresh blanket of white this morning, so I let him have my glove for a bit. He considers fetching my glove to be a major treat, flinging it in the air, then leaping to catch it with obvious glee. However, his feet get cold in the snow, so playtime is not prolonged. 

Since I am not enjoying being outdoors much, I turn to inside activities. I got into a storage chest and found the beautiful silver rattle that Chris's co-workers gifted to Rachel when she was born. It was black with tarnish from being stored the past 30+ years, but some polish and elbow grease soon had it sparkling again. It is engraved with "Rachel 3-26-89." We are contemplating adding the Owlet's name and birth date as well. 

I am delighted to see it clutched in the baby's chubby fist and to hear the soft, high jingle it makes when she shakes it about. 

The forecast promises warmer temperatures in the coming days. Not quite spring, to be sure but moving in that direction. I'll keep my optimistic thoughts about March.

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