Monday, February 28, 2022


 I received a package in the mail today. The kind of package that rattles enticingly. It arrived in Maine by way of Missouri and was sweetly sent to me from a pet groomer there. She had this to say about the delightful contents of the box, "When my grandma was cleaning out a barn on her property, she found an old grooming tool and gave it to me. I have no room for it, but when I thought of grooming and antiques, your name immediately popped into my mind." I am tickled to have this vintage grooming tool and will display it proudly in the studio. Thanks so much, Kate and family! 

I encountered another kindness recently. I wanted to gift my husband a bottle of upscale liquor for his bar. Something he would not be likely to purchase for himself and would enjoy sharing with guests. I asked my son-in-love for recommendations because he is a very knowledgeable connoisseur. He messaged me a list of 4 or 5 suggestions, and I took myself off to the grocery store in Camden. In Maine, liquor stores sell a wide variety of bottles, but you can also buy wine, beer, and some liquor in the grocery store. The selection is not as large as a package store, and I didn't see any of the brands that Evans suggested on the shelf.  In fact, there was a lot of empty shelf space. I stood there reading labels, trying to decide what my next move would be. Just then, a jaunty man came up and began perusing the same shelves I was. I said, "Don't mind me, I'm going to be here for a while." He gave me a smile, "Are you looking for bourbon?" He asked. "I am, in fact," I replied, then explained I wanted something special for my husband. I told him I had a list.  "Read me your list," he said, "I'm a bourbon guy!" and I did. "They are short on a lot of things because of the supply chain," he said, waving his hand at the empty shelves. We then had a lively discussion about the merits of the available bottles. Of some of the more expensive ones, he said, "Oh, those are new, only 3 or 4 years old, they are too thin for my taste." More conversation ensued. He was clearly enjoying the challenge of helping me choose. "Honestly," he said, "The closest store that is going to have one of these is Four Corners Market in Union. My eyes widened. The store he talked about is less than two miles from where I live. A small place that sells gasoline, potato chips... and apparently, high-end bourbon.  "Are you sure?" I asked. "Oh yes. They have one bottle. I've been watching it for months." I thanked him and headed out, feeling so grateful for this fun, accidental meeting. In the parking lot, the man drove past and stopped, "Please tell your son-in-law he has excellent taste in bourbon!" I smiled all the way to the store, where I bought the one fancy bottle there. 

With the cold and icy weather, poor Bravo has not been getting as much exercise as he should. A neighbor mentioned her dogs were feeling stir crazy. I asked if Bravo could come to play. This afternoon, she invited us, and Bravo and her three Aussies spent a happy time racing through the snow. I enjoyed having a few moments to chat with my neighbor and caught this pretty view, too. Bravo is much happier tonight after a good romp. 

As I was doing afternoon chores today, I heard a chicken muttering to herself from the direction of the goat cozy. The sun was already slipping behind the ridge, and that hen should have been safe in her coop. It took a little effort, but I caught her and lugged her across the pasture. I was stopped by a nosy goat, wondering what we were up to. 

Kindness. That's what. 

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