Sunday, July 17, 2022

Height of summer...

 Today was hot, as it often is during the height of summer. 

There are flowers everywhere I look, birds singing, and crickets chirping. 

Our hay for the season is in. This is something that always makes me feel good. The goats will have plenty of food to eat all winter. 

Today our friends John and Susan oh-so-kindly invited us out on their boat, "weather permitting." The weather permitted, and we were overjoyed to join them. On the way out of the harbor, a group of Canada geese formed a flotilla among the moored boats. Later we saw osprey, cormorants, gulls, terns, a dolphin, and even a glossy seal. 

The sun shone hotly, but a breeze kept us cool.  Two standard poodles accompanied us, perfectly well behaved and a delight to be near. I met these friends many years ago when I groomed one of their dogs. This fact makes me happily recall just how many gifts pet grooming has given me. 

We had a delicious picnic on the boat near an island, admiring unparalleled scenery. 

The days are long, but the months are short. Summer is fleeting, much like this raindrop on a lupine in my garden. Here one moment, gone the next. I need to get busy embracing the precious summer hours. Today was an excellent start. 

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