Monday, July 11, 2022

Plants and critters...

 When we first moved here, there were a few sad Hosta plants along the front of the house. It's a western exposure, and the poor plants would make a brave start in the spring, then be burnt to a crisp by July. I dug them up and planted them around the crabapple tree in the front yard. They were a little straggly and pathetic the first year, but they rallied.  Now I get many compliments on the arrangement. 

My friend Brenda gifted me some Stella d'oro daylilies a few years ago. They like it here, too, and bloom for weeks on end. I know some gardeners sniff at them, thinking they are a little ordinary, but I love them and their sunny yellow blossoms. 

Meanwhile, the broiler chicks are ridiculously large. They are not particularly agile, but one managed to hop up on the rim of this bucket full of feed while we were tending them. 

I have been looking for a dog crate to let the baby goat bunk in at night. She is still nursing, so I separate her from her dam at night, so there is some milk for us in the morning. I milk Grace, then let baby Glory hang with the herd for the rest of the day, nursing at will. Rachel and I were headed somewhere last week, and I saw the type of crate I needed by the side of the road. It wasn't so close that I was sure it was up for grabs, and we were in a hurry, so Chris and I went back later. Sure enough, the crate was still there, and there was a man in the yard. I hopped out and asked if the crate was available. To my delight, it was. It was much bigger than I needed, but the price was right. He helped me load it up, and I was delighted to come home with my treasure. I wiped it out, and we moved it to the goat cozy. To my surprise, all the goats like it. Even Bliss, our biggest girl, gets inside for a snooze at least once daily. The little goats like to lounge on the roof, too. It's been a hit! 

The new goats and the previous residents are still getting along well. There are occasional head butts, but they're all quite gentle with no malice. And it's pretty cute. 

Things are growing at FairWinds, and I am having a bloomin' good time with all of it. 

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