Saturday, July 30, 2022

Live like...

 My sister sent me a cute sign that says, "Live like someone left the gate open." Bliss loves this slogan. She is always the first to try to get out the gate and cause as much havoc as possible.   

 Last night Marion and I busted out an open gate and had girl's night out to supper to celebrate her birthday. We dined overlooking a local harbor and chatted as the sun went down. 

Today I had a few hours to myself to putter. I cut fresh flowers from the garden, watered plants, tidied our house, and cleaned all the animal houses. I had helpers for the last part. All of the goats got in my way, making everything more difficult. Glory was the most "helpful," hopping in and out of the barrow while I worked. She is a funny little thing, wickedly smart, and getting more friendly daily.

While mucking out the animals, Chris invited me to accompany him to the "dump" (the real name is the Transfer Station.) How could I resist such a romantic offer? He handily took care of the week's refuse and recycling. On the way out of the dump, I had to stop and take a picture of this great sign. It appears to be guarding a healthy pumpkin patch. This clever angel must be helping things grow so well. 
Next, we stopped at the feed store for chicken and goat chow and shavings. The icing on the cake was a stop at the ice cream shop for a couple of delicious scoops. Ice cream always delights me. 

I am very much enjoying the recent "facelift" in our kitchen. It was fun to mess about in there this morning, plotting little tweaks to make it even better. The new knobs were installed (thank you for helping, Rachel!), and they were a fine choice. It's great having a niece that is a big deal interior designer to help me figure out what I need. (Thank you, Elyse!) 

I made a batch of goat milk yogurt while I working. Although our new goats are miniature and produce far less milk than the Saanens, it is more than enough for us. I will try making some cheese next week. 

The new tiny bantam cochin's are maturing beautifully. The little rooster is quite a character. Chris has dubbed him "The Donald." He is tiny in comparison to our big roo. 
Here he is lounging in the grass with two of his ladies. 

They are such pretty birds and live like the gate is open every day.  

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