Saturday, October 29, 2022

Octobers end...

 The spectacle of brilliant autumn foliage has passed, and any lingering leaves are burnished bronze. The pasture has been grazed down to almost nothing. The goats and visiting cows find a bit to nibble on but are happy to see hay delivered to the feeder rack. 

It was a chilly, misty morning. The water pans and tubs had a thin layer of ice, and everything was coated in frost. 

I like to play a little game with myself, trying not to turn the furnace on until November 1st. Of course, we have the wood stove, but it does not heat the whole house. I nearly caved in this morning. The inside thermometer read 51 degrees, and my bare feet on the cold tiled kitchen floor were unhappy. I lit a fire instead, layered on more clothes, found my stored slippers, and indulged in a hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast. 
Flirt loves fire season. 
After chores and breakfast,  I picked up a new knitting project and huddled near the heat for a bit before tackling my to-do list. As the sun warms the day, I will get outside to work on projects, but for now, smelling the woodsmoke and watching the flames dance is an excellent way to start a Saturday. 

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