Monday, June 24, 2024

Marvelous mentor...

 When I was a young teen, I had the good fortune to become acquainted with a woman who profoundly impacted the direction of my life. She was the mother of my first boyfriend, a teacher, and an artist. I needed some extra mothering and guidance during those years, and she generously gave me both.  In her kitchen, I learned to cook everything from hearty casseroles to yeast bread, "If you can read, you can cook," she told me. She taught me to knit, sew, and make quilts and instilled a love of gardening. She was the first person to put a dog grooming clipper in my hand and teach me to care for my first dog's coat, "Brush from the skin out!"  she'd remind me. Little did we know that I would go on to make pet grooming a lifelong career. 

Although the boyfriend and I were destined to share our lives with others, our friendship, and that with his mom, have continued. 

She turns ninety next month, and her younger son kindly invited me to join friends and family in celebrating this milestone on a chartered boat ride in Essex, Massachusetts, yesterday. I had not had the opportunity to see her in several years, and though it meant a six-hour round-trip drive in heavy rain (and a tornado watch!)  I didn't want to miss the chance to thank her once again. 

I dashed off an Ode in her honor and read it after the cake was cut. She gave me a huge hug and said, "Those were happy years." They were, indeed. And the years that have followed have been happy for me, largely because of her influence. 

When I tally up my gratitude's, having a marvelous mentor is always on my list. 


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