Thursday, December 6, 2012

And the world didn't stop...

My good friend and co worker Beth died last week. She was fine on Tuesday. We chatted about Christmas, shared some laughs like we did every day, and as I left work I saw her run to her waiting husbands truck. She flashed me a huge smile and gave a big wave. And that was the last time I saw her. She never woke up Wednesday morning. None of us were ready to say goodbye. Beth was smart, funny and wickedly creative. Her patience was epic. She left a lot of heart broken people (and pets!) behind. I should be able to write something better about her. Something memorable. But I am just too sad. The thing I find the hardest, and have since my grandmother Waters died when I was 5, is that a very important person can die and the world doesn't even slow down a little. The sun keeps rising and setting, chores still demand attention, meals must be cooked. It has always seemed to me that there should be some sort of cosmic pause. Some kind of global recognition that a momentous thing has happened. A good heart has stopped beating and a huge void has been created. But that is not how it works, of course. The world does not stop. But I still think it should.