Monday, July 9, 2018

Good things...

Little Flirt, our whimsical toy poodle, had a hernia.  Today she had it surgically repaired. I hated leaving her at the veterinarians office, even though I knew she would receive excellent care. She looked at me hard as the good doctor was carrying her away.  I fretted all morning. I love that little dog, and can't imagine life without her in it.

 It was errand day. I saw my dentist and had my teeth cleaned, I went to a store, I had my hair trimmed. Then I met my friend for lunch and told her, "I am rudely bringing my phone in, and will answer it if the vet calls."  Luckily I have the kind of friends that understand, and in fact, wouldn't have it any other way.  He did call, and assured me that Flirt was fine, and I could pick her up at 4:00.  Her hernia had been repaired.

I came home and checked all the animals.  The pigs were hot, so I filled their wallow and hosed them down. They liked it.  I was hot, too, and decided it was a good day for a swim.  And here is where I get to tell you about something wonderful.  Last week I wanted to go swimming and I wanted Bravo to come with me. Flirt does not enjoy such things, so I left her home. It was a hot day, and we went to the little boat launch at the pond across from us.  There were several people there, and one family had a couple of big, snarling, dogs, tied up. The walkway down to the water is narrow, the sand beach small,  and I didn't want to go down there with Bravo, so we aborted the plan and went home and sulked. I wished and wished that I had somewhere I could go that was a bit secluded. A place where I would not bother anyone with my dog, and where we could have a little solitude.  And here is where the magic happens. The very next day I received a message from a sweet customer/friend that said, "I have an old tumbling down camp where there are kayaks and great swimming.  Not sure you all have a place to go but it would be close to your house. You are welcome to bring Bravo. You can go any time."  Then she sent the address and directions. It was as if she read my mind. As if the universe whispered my fondest wish to her and she generously decided to share her little slice of heaven with me. So today I went. Her directions were perfect.  Down a long country road, then down a dirt road, turn right down an overgrown driveway.  I put a long leash on Bravo in case he decided to go on walk about, but he behaved perfectly.  There was a lovely picnic table, a few chairs, and some stone steps down to the dock.  Little waves lapped on the rocks. There was not another soul in sight.  In about 1 minute I was ankle deep in the cool, clear water.  Bravo was confused, but once I was out paddling in water up to my chin, he got brave and swam out to be with me. Then back to shore, then back to me, repeat.  I climbed out and found a stout stick.  A rowdy game of water fetch ensued.  There was much joy. What a gift we have been offered. I can hardly wait to go again. I am so grateful.

And while I am appreciating people, look at this sweet image.

They have been haying the field across the street.  One little lily had been blooming, and I had been enjoying seeing it there. I knew the tractor would take it down. When I got home today I saw that whole field was mowed, but the little ditch lily had been spared. The man who mowed had neatly trimmed all around the plant, and left it there to bloom some more.  One more reason to smile.

Flirt is home and heavily medicated, sleeping in her favorite spot. Bravo, still a bit damp, is snuggled up to me, tired and happy. And for the millionth time I reflect on how magical life can be.

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