Saturday, January 12, 2019


The thermometer read 3 degrees this morning when I went out to take care of the animals. The cats were making use of their new heated hut. They ate a good breakfast then went out to explore. Clack snuck into the house at one point, and nabbed the bed in front of the wood stove. He looked quite content there.
Soon he asked to be let out again, and happily spent the day dashing around with his brother.

Rachel and I went to the local volunteer fire department for the morning. They were holding their annual rabies vaccination clinic. This is a fund raiser for the department, and a wonderful service where people can get a low cost vaccine for their pet. We have gone the last two years and trimmed nails for a $10 donation to the department, as well. Today we happily raised $210 in just two hours. We met some nice people and saw a lot of interesting dogs. 

After the clinic I put on warm clothes, braced myself, and headed outside with Bravo. We checked on all the animals, filling up water containers and topping off food bowls. The donkey dorm was not as springtime fresh as I like, so I shoveled and swept. Soon I didn't notice how cold it was.  The goats "helped," poking their naughty noses into my pockets looking for treats. A thick layer of clean shavings was spread around. Next I took Sarah's boot and bandage off her hoof, and spread the special medication on. A new bandage was applied, and her little boot put back on. She seemed quite happy, and soon she and Abraham were running back and forth through the snow, playing. I was warm from my exertions, so Bravo and I began walking around the pasture. 

Bravo danced and played. I admired the unblemished sheet of white on the meadow. In a moment I heard a thundering sound. I turned around and saw donkeys and goats barreling in my direction. They have not set foot on the fresh snow of the pasture in days. But since I was out there, they came gamboling along for a stroll.  Soon I had a donkey on either side of me, nodding their heads companionably, walking where I walked. The goats reared and twisted and butted heads, staying close. I tried to get a picture or video, but it was so cold my phone camera just shut down. 

I handed out snacks for all, and after our companionable romp, they all tucked into the clean shed. 
Bravo and I settled down in the warm house, checking another cold winter day off the calendar. 

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