Sunday, January 20, 2019


The snow began to fall around 7:00 PM last night. The temperatures are in the single digits, so the snow is light and dry. When I woke this morning it didn't look like much had fallen, but once I was booted up and outside, I could see that 10 inches or more had accumulated.

There were no takers for the bird bath, but a steady line of hungry birds were on hand to clean up big scoops of seed.

I gave all the animals food and water. The goats and donkeys had not set foot outside their house. They still had food left over from last night, but were happy to have baby carrots and a few oat cookies. The wind cut right through my warm clothes, and I was well chilled by the time I got done. Luckily I'd planned ahead and had a cup of hot tea waiting. Chris was up and cooking breakfast, so I thawed by the fire.

Once we were fed and I was warm, we both geared up and went out. I shoveled the steps, the deck, the little walkway from the house to the garage.  Chris manned the snow blower and cleared the driveway and paths, then made paths for me to get to each animal house.

The wind blew the snow back at him, and he came in looking like this...

A hot coffee, hot shower and dry clothes were in order.

The snow has turned to some icy mix, and the wind is whistling around the corners of this old house. But a fire is glowing in the stove and we are safe and cozy, watching the world through rattling windows until it's time to go out again.

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