Thursday, June 9, 2022

Fiber Frolic and more...

 Last weekend my daughter, son-in-love, and the Owlet and I went to the Fiber Frolic.  This annual festival is held in Windsor, ME., and Rachel and I have enjoyed it every time we've been. It was absent for a few years due to the pandemic, so we happily put it on the calendar when we found out it was on this year. 

The weather was beautiful, clear, cool, and sunny. The Owlet was content in her stroller and met her first bunny. I was given the honor of pushing her about for much of the day, which was a joy. Many people stopped to say hello to her, and she was generous with her gummy smiles, to their obvious delight. 

There was much to see. Sheep, goats, rabbits, a whole barn full of beautiful spinning wheels looking for new homes. There were crafts and a veritable rainbow of the most beautiful yarns. It was a feast for the eyes at every turn. 

We had a wonderful time. And ice cream. I am already looking forward to going next year. 

At home, The June gardens are looking fine. 


I have been baking. Bread and brownies mainly. We offer brownies or cookies to all of our grooming customers. I was recently asked to do some baking for the funeral of a local teenager. I made a double batch of brownies, so the timing differed from what I am used to. I checked on them multiple times, inserting a toothpick to test doneness. 

When I cut them to package them up for the event, I sliced out the center one with all the poke holes in it. It wasn't pretty, so I left it in the pan. When I cleaned the kitchen later, the pan was empty, the holey brownie gone. My husband must have nabbed it. I bet it tasted extra good because those holes show the love and care that went into the baking. Imperfect, but full of regard.  

The animals are enjoying the mild weather. And treats. The goats seem to have decided the cows are friends, not foes. 

But Spirit knows something is up. 
Stay tuned to learn more! 

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