Sunday, January 14, 2024

Wild weather...

 Our local coastal community has been bludgeoned by storms in the past week. Terrible damage to roads, homes, commercial buildings, and boats that will cost fortunes to repair. I worried about the suffering people and property damage while the wind shrieked around our house. We did not have any damage here besides a bit of water in the basement. We are thankful. 

While the weather raged outside, inside an Amaryllis bulb a friend didn't want has been in riotous bloom. It's a pale buttercream color, and it's lovely to have something growing while it is so cold outside. 

The temperatures are supposed to plummet this coming week, so we took advantage of today's clear skies to clean out the animal houses. It is important that the chickens and goats have dry bedding, especially when it is very cold. It may seem silly, but the animals all look pleased when they return from the pasture to their tidy homes. 

In our home this morning we were awaked before dawn by the Owlet, who we had here for a spend-the-night. "Wake up, Pop-Pop," her little voice piped. "Wake up. Make food." He did as requested. She followed him to the kitchen with three of her current favorite books and plunked down on the rug I bought specifically with her in mind to await her breakfast.

I went out into the bitter wind to feed and water the animals, warmed by this cozy scene while I did my chores. Despite the devastating storms, there is much to be grateful for. 

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