Sunday, August 21, 2022

Farm dog and fun...

 Bravo didn't arrive here at FairWinds by accident. I put a lot of thought into what type of dog would be best on our farmlette. I wanted a dog that would be helpful with livestock, warn me when visitors arrived, and be a calm companion. He fulfills all of these desires and more. Here is an example. Yesterday a chick hopped out of its coop while I was filling its water container. It took off like a roadrunner, dashing through tall weeds, zipping into the big pasture, hiding under a little building. Chris and I tried to catch the tiny thing to no avail.  I saw it hide under a big pumpkin plant, but the chick was so small I couldn't pinpoint where it was in that tangle of giant leaves and thick grass.  Bravo came to help. He instantly found where the chick was and gently but firmly pinned it to the ground with his nose until I could weave my fingers through the herbage to grab it and put it safely back with its flock. 

He is also remarkable with the Owlet. He likes to lie close to her when she is playing on the floor, wants desperately to kiss her, and gets a look of bliss on his handsome face when she is near.  Of course, we are always watchful and would never trust any dog alone with her, but the relationship is a joy to witness when closely monitored. 

Yesterday we popped into Threshers' local brewery, a favorite spot of our daughter and son-in-loves. They were having lawnmower races, of all things! A friend quipped, "good redneck fun!" It was a beautiful sunny day, and we enjoyed watching souped-up mowers tearing up the track, popping wheelies, and obviously having a blast. We shared a happy hour in the sun doing something different than our regular routine. 

Then home to prepare Saturday family supper. Chris mowed the backyard, and I went to the farm stand for fresh corn on the cob. It was burgers on the grill with a smorgasbord of toppings, sweet corn, a full picnic table, and a fire in the ring. Chatter and laughter ensued. My favorite kind of fun. 

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