Monday, September 12, 2022


 It's not really fall yet, of course, but the season is changing. I took today to do a tiny bit of fall decorating. A wreath on the front door, a dining table spruce up. 

A trip to my favorite farm stand made me happy. Stacks of colorful pumpkins, squash, and gourds mingled with piles of juicy apples. I do love autumn!  

This past weekend was a good one. Chris has somehow convinced our daughter and son-in-love that they should join us for family supper every Saturday night. We sweeten the pot by offering to let the Owlet spend the night with us so they can get eight hours of uninterrupted sleep, something they still struggle with since the Owlet hatched. This week Chris decided to go with a southern theme. He played traditional New Orleans jazz as he cooked up a spicy pot of jambalaya with fried okra on the side. I made cornbread. I love to watch him prepare a meal he has planned and is excited about. If that whole "love language" thing is true, Chris speaks by cooking. The Owlet was a fan of the spicy dish and ate with gusto. 

Friends grew more Roma tomatoes than they cared to can and gave me 25 pounds of extra they had on hand. It took some time, but I turned them into quarts of sauce that will taste like late summer on some upcoming winter day. 

Meanwhile, my kitchen smelled like a high-class Italian restaurant. 

I got three articles written and submitted, rode my new exercycle multiple miles, read, rested, and reveled in some lovely days "off." 

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