Monday, September 5, 2022

Out and about...

 We had a peaceful Labor Day weekend, including lunch at a favorite spot yesterday. It's an eat outside overlooking the water kind of place.  I best like sitting at a little counter they have with great views. Those seats were taken, so I grabbed a table while Chris ordered. The sun was hot, so when I saw the people sitting in my favorite (shady!) spot leave, I nabbed a couple of chairs. I happily surveyed the view my seat afforded me, and there, not far from me, like a gift, was a beautiful Osprey with freshly caught fish. 

I watched it eating for several minutes. And then it lifted off and was away with its prize.

Today, I had a chance to go to an Amish farm. A beautiful, peaceful place with stunning Jersey cows, Suffolk Punch horses, and a sweet litter of Corgi puppies. 

Later Chris and I had a movie date, the first in years, and saw Top Gun Maverick. We saw the first Top Gun as newlyweds and loved it. This one was even better. I'm not a big movie person, but I'd see this one again. 

I will start this week rested, with a richness of idyllic memories. 

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