Monday, September 29, 2008

Soul food

I grew fennel in my herb garden this year. I have never in my life actually cooked with fennel, but it was so pretty I had to plant it. It grew to be almost 6 feet tall, with reddish, ferny leaves. It looked a bit like Cousin It from the TV show The Adam's Family, towering over the rosemary, dill and tarragon. I probably wont cook with it even though I grew it, but it provided food for my soul and made me smile all summer long...


D'Gaye said...

You really ought to reconsider cooking with fennel. YMMMMMM

Cottagecheap said...

Oh...I SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE D'gay posts on YOUR blog!

Oh.....and Fennel is great on pizza............mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm