Monday, September 3, 2012

Good things...

My kind and generous friend Scott came over this weekend with his tractor and mowed my field. I had a large area of brush and Sumac which the goats had eaten every leaf off, resulting in a forest of sticks. He whacked them all down, and evened out all the grass and weedy areas, too. It looks beautiful and I am so grateful. The animals delighted in exploring after the mow. The birds found lots of bugs to eat, the goats and horse seemed to enjoy nibbling on the fresh cut vegetation, too.
The thistles are in bloom. I don't love them, their leaves poke me when I pass, but the Goldfinches adore them, and I had to admit they are pretty. The goats have eaten most of mine this year, but missed this one, tucked amid the milkweed.
I cleaned out the coop this weekend, and the hens and ducks seem quite pleased by my efforts. I like to open the door and smell fresh pine shavings.
The weekend was memorable for good rest, bright flowers, and good friends over for supper two nights in a row. They filled this old house with stories and laughter. These are the sorts of good things that make my life happy.

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