Thursday, September 26, 2019

September waning...

 It's been a lovely, mostly warm September.And it has gone by at a rapid rate. We have had one frost, but my flower gardens are still quite brilliant.  This morning was a little foggy, and Click posed on the gate with a floral backdrop while I snapped his picture. He is such a good cat. An excellent mouser, I have not seen any signs of rodents in the garage (where we store animal food) since he and his brother moved in. In fact one morning this week I accidentally stepped on a large, dead mouse one of the cats had left just outside the garage door. It made a disgusting "squishing" sound and sensation beneath my shoe, and since the grass was wet I had a moment that the slippery, exploded rodent beneath my foot made me wonder if I might lose my balance.  I pondered how I might explain the ensuing fall to people, "Well, you see, there was this slippy mouse..." Luckily I stayed vertical, and no explanations were necessary.

 I splurged and had the windows professionally washed. I am a horrible window washer, and even when I try my best, the end results are streaky messes. The crew I hire is fast, exceedingly efficient, and how I love to have sparkling, clean glass between me and the world as the days grow shorter. I like to savor every moment of light during the long winter months, and clean windows helps me do that. I took advantage of the curtains coming down so the glass could get polished, and washed all the lace valances. It was a delight to get them re-hung this week.

 Another small project was removing the very large fern from the wall planter I have in the grooming studio.  It has been pretty there for several years, but had quite outgrown it's home and was looking bedraggled.  I had to really wrestle with it to get it dislodged. I replaced it with some soft pink geraniums, variegated ivy and two tiny little fern segments. It freshens up the corner, I think, and will be happy to see blooming this winter. The light and humidity in the studio makes for contented plants, and I get a lot of credit for having a "green thumb." It's all just luck, and I do enjoy watching things grow and bloom there.

Chris came into the garage where I was milking Bliss one morning this week. His intent was to kiss me goodbye before he left for work, but he got distracted. "Please give Bliss an animal cracker," I asked. Quick as a wink he tucked one between his lips and leaned in. Our goatie girl wasn't the least bit shy. My husband makes me laugh every day.

The donkeys make me smile, too. Every other day they get a tiny little breakfast. Someone recently asked, "How do you keep track?" I don't need to.The donkeys know which day is which. Usually only Abraham brays, but on breakfast morning, the girls exercise their rusty-hinge voices and call to me until they see me coming with their bowls. Then it's heads down, all-business, while they enjoy their meal.

In just a few days September will be over. It is one of my favorite months, and I have enjoyed it. I just wish it could stay a little longer.

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