Monday, July 26, 2021

Freshening up...

 It's been a while since I did any "freshening up" in the house. This state of affairs changed drastically when I was in an antique store a few weeks ago. I'd made the whole circuit without falling in love with anything. Then, as I approached the exit, there they were. Two wing chairs, sturdy and comfortable, at a most reasonable price.  

The upholstery was in great shape if a little grubby in spots. For several years I've thought that two wing-back chairs would be perfect in our front room. I had a sofa in there, but the room is small, and the sofa took up a lot of real estate.  Quick as a wink, I arranged to bring the chairs home. 

The sofa got moved to the living room, and I ordered slipcovers for the chairs. I had a clear vision of how I wanted the room to look. I cast a critical eye at our beloved table and benches. The paint was worn, looking more shabby than chic, and the cream and blue color scheme was not fitting in with my new vision. 

This weekend I got my trusty sander out and went to work smoothing up the rough spots and putting a fresh coat of paint on everything. I'm not sure I should be allowed to paint; I go at with gusto and make a mess. Even with an old blanket under my work area, I splattered paint about with reckless abandon and had to do quite a bit of remedial cleaning up when all was said and done. 

But oh! it looks so clean and bright and fresh now. And the chairs, in their new outfits, are just how I imagined they'd be.

I think the room looks a little larger with the new additions and fresh paint. 

Now I am looking about to see what else needs "freshening up." Perhaps another antique store stroll is in order? 

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