Thursday, November 13, 2008

And now for something completely different!

Meet Milo. He is a wire haired standard Dachshund. And he likes to hang out in this pose. A lot. What you can't see is that his tail is in constant motion when he lays like this, sunny side up. And his little teeth show, rather beaver like. He SLEEPS like this, too. It took me multiple tries to get this photo to share with you, because if he senses a camera any where near he spins and bolts from the room. Milo is a grooming customer and is visiting me for a bit while his owners have a an amazing adventure. The sort of adventure where a belly rub loving boy might not be so at home. I've enjoyed him a lot. Who could resist a belly as magnificent at this?

1 comment:

solarity said...

Bad Daryl, feeding my dachshund lust like that--I Must Have A Poodle next!

Mary Anne in Kentucky