Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's been two years since he died, and today I was finally ready to say a last goodbye to Loki. I took his ashes from my office, and sprinkled them out in the meadow behind the house. Loki adored to run there, and now his remains can become a part of blowing grasses and nodding wildflowers.
He was the finest dog I ever knew, and it was privilege to love him for 10 glorious years.
I miss him still.
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gotsnoopy said...

I'm glad you had some time to think of your beloved Loki. Losing a heart dog is always hard, but thankfully, that hurt of the loss is usually replaced with the only good thoughts of the dogs' life.

He was a beautiful boy.

solarity said...

We who only knew him on the internet miss him too. Everything you said about him showed what a very special dog he was.
(Last night about the time you posted this I was remembering the first dobes I even knew, more than forty-five years ago: Toby and Rachel. Such Very Serious dogs they were.)

Mary Anne in Kentucky