Sunday, January 11, 2009

Delicious x 2... (or three?)

Yesterday when I was at work my sweet husband called and told me he was cooking me a special supper. When I got home, I walked first to the back yard to let the dogs do their thing. As I passed the kitchen window I saw the table nicely set, with crystal wine glasses, and the red oil lamp glowing warmly. What a welcoming sight! When I came in, Chris poured me a glass of wine and dished up a fabulous, spicy scallop and pasta concoction he had dreamed up.
And the left overs made the ladies very happy, too!
They in turn will make me eggs, so really, the delicious will be x3~ !!


David said...

About the best ever recycling I could ever think of.

solarity said...

Those are such photogenic chickens! Maybe I won't get Buff Orpingtons after all.

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Cottagecheap said...

Where is my shrimp?

Upper Appalachia said...

I am SO glad that that beautiful girl didn't end up being the meal that hubby had prepared for you!