Saturday, January 24, 2009

The Muse...

I am a journalist. I get paid and everything, so that makes it real. I have a nice little "office" to write in, but sometimes I work at the cozy kitchen table. Poppy likes to help me write, no matter where I am. She will snooze endlessly by me while I research and type and revise. I cannot tell you how many hundreds of thousands of words I have put to paper with the soft, rhythmical sound of her muffled snoring urging me on. She never seems to tire of being by my side. The other dogs are content to lounge around the house, or on the floor near me. Poppy wants to be next to the computer. She is a funny little dog, a sweet muse, a constant companion. Who says money can't buy love? She is the best $50. I ever spent.


D'Gaye said...

Unconditional dog love....its. a warm fuzzy thing.

I am thinking of taking a creative writing class in the Spring. I have a hard time putting what is in my head on paper.

Maybe it is a "Muse" that I need!

gotsnoopy said...

Isn't it nice when you don't have to "bribe" them to be near you! What a sweet picture.