Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A little harvest...

At dawn my eyes fly open unbidden. I care barely wait to get out of bed and into the world. The yard is filled with dew and sun that spangles off of fat water droplets in all the colors of the rainbow. And there are chicks and ducks and turkeys and lambs and dogs to tend to. All of this brings me unspeakable joy.

I walk through my garden to see how things are going and growing. Before I know it a snow pea pod drenched in last nights rain is in my mouth and my taste buds are dancing under its sweet cool crispness. I pick another and another and pile them into the turned-up front of my pajama top. Next I snip garlic scape's. Their sharp scent slices through the warming air of morning and sets me to thinking about a supper of stir fried meat and veggies.

Inside I stack the early garden bounty on the tiger maple table while the sun slants in. And it demands I take a photo to save the moment... as if the Kodacolor in my mind was not enough.

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