Thursday, April 25, 2013

Today's email...

I took a little break at work and checked my email. I found this,"I cannot count how many times I have opened your blog hoping for new picture of new baby goats, to hear poignant tales of the joy of your labors to keep them alive. Yet I find nothing. For 17 long, silent days I find nothing. Blog already!" I have been neglecting my blog... the cold, dismal spring has not welcomed photo opportunities, and I have to admit the loss of Nova goat has made me feel sad and un-creative. But I am trying to focus on all the GOOD stuff, and 5 bouncing, nibbling, snuggling, cuddling, leaping, twisting, baby goats are certainly blog worthy. So, thank you, Lisa, for the nudge. The sun came out today, and I took my camera out to try to capture some kid shots for you. I hope you enjoy them! Here are Nova's triplets, on the picnic table. From left to right, Celeste, Novella, and Jelly Bean. I will be keeping the girls, Jelly Bean is looking for a nice pet home. He has managed to convince Luna goat (the other mama) that he is one of hers, and she lets him nurse. The girls are strictly bottle fed, and consider me to be mom. When I go out with a warm bottle of milk I call, "BABIES" and they call back, "Maaa! Maaa!" It makes me laugh every time, they know my name! They like to climb on me, crawl into my lap, be held, petted, scratched and snuggled. They nibble on my face and clothes and hair and are totally endearing. Luna's boys are sturdy and active, not quite as cuddly as the bottle babies, but charming just the same. They have whimsical little faces and the cutest little lips. Chanel, the horse, is so patient and careful with all the kids. They leap about in her hay, nibble on her mane and tail, and are always under-hoof. She practically shuffles her feet when she walks to avoid stepping on one of the little pests. When they try to crawl up her powerful hind legs, she never kicks, merely lifts her foot as she would to shoo a fly. I've been in awe of her patience, and then tonight I realized she is far more tolerant than I could have ever imagined. I've mentioned before that we have one rule here... everyone must get along. This photo captures that. The baby goats look turns leaping up on Chanel's broad back. She never flinched, and seemed to not even notice all those pesky babies using her for a jungle gym. I can't be sad for long when there is so much LIFE in my life.

1 comment:

solarity said...

I've seen many a horse with a chicken on its back, but a goat? Never seen that before!

Mary Anne in Kentucky