Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Happy Husband

This is Chris. My husband and boon companion for 24+ years.
He is a really nice guy. A sweet husband and a fabulous daddy.
Today he got a nice promotion at work. He brought home a bottle of wine and we had a little toast and celebration with dinner. Chris works really hard and I am so glad when his efforts are acknowledged. I am proud of my guy. Go Chris!


Cottagecheap said...

Go Chrissy WissY! (from Duncan)

You are really the best guy.. PUtting up with Daryl, making kick butt shrimp and whatnot. Luv ya!

Kelly=yllek said...

Hiya Daryl..tell Chris congrats and best of luck in he's new job!

Wine and dinner for two sounded like a great way to celebrate!