Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Frosted apples...
There is a Crab Apple tree in my front yard, planted years ago by someone I have never met. Under it's arching boughs I sprinkled some of my sister Dicy's ashes. In the spring a riotous garden of daffodils and tulips blooms there, beneath blossom laden branches. The fruit of the tree hangs on through the fall and into the winter. In late winter migrating flocks of Waxwings pass by and feast on the tiny apples, and in the spring the first Robin's to appear gorge on the fruit until the weather softens enough to provide them more dining options. The tree has a rosy glow in almost every light, and is beautiful no matter the season. Today a delicate morning snow dusted each branch and tiny apple. Frosting on the cake....
Saturday, December 27, 2008
At the wane of the year I wax reflective. I like to think about the things in the past 365 days that went wonderfully well. And also on the losses, lessons and mistakes. As I grow older I recognize how swiftly time passes, and this gives me incentive to try to make some plans for the year ahead, so that I might make the most of those days that wing by on the calendar. Last year I made a list of things I wished to accomplish. Last night I checked, and though I failed miserably at a few of the things I desired to achieve, I had some impressive successes. And because life is delightful, there were some totally unexpected surprises. The sorts of things that make me wake up smiling, ready to see what else is in store. My new calendar is at the ready, a blank slate, full of the promise of joys I cannot yet even imagine. I am SO excited!
Ice on the Rocks...
Where the ocean retreats
before plummeting mercury
salt laced crystals form on granite
in glittering mica sheets
small boys in boots stomp along the
icy waters edge
creating crashing sounds that delight
beyond all expectation
ducks dabble at the shoreline
between glazed boulders and shaggy kelp
voicing quacking concerns
over the level of sound
of childish laughter and breaking
frozen water
copy write 12/08 Daryl Conner
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Spirit of Christmas...
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Dazzle the poodle and Lilly the bad, bad boxer are looking out at the snow to see if they can spot Santa's sleigh!
Lilly is hoping her stocking will be stuffed with good things to chew on, Dazzle wants a toy that squeaks. Of course, if Santa did swoop in, they'd bark and throw such a fit poor Santa would have to be awfully brave to enter in.
From our home to yours, I hope all of your holiday wishes come true!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The best place to be on a very cold night...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Life's a picnic...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Grand pets...
Friday, December 19, 2008
Still life...
For the past 3 years I have had this attraction to seeking, finding and collecting bird nests once the cold winds blow in and the birds are done with them. I have several like this, arranged in the windows on my long porch. I am pretty sure this little nest was made by Goldfinches. It was found in a stand of Sycamore's across from my house. I wasn't sure what my rather sudden desire to collect these nests was all about until it hit me. Empty nests. My kid is almost 20, gone more often than she is home. My nest is, for all intents and purposes, empty.
I wonder if mother birds miss the echos of their chirping chicks once they take flight? Or do they take delight in watching their fledglings soar off on pretty wings? Or... are they capable of mixed emotions?
Thursday, December 18, 2008
A mom gift...
I received this quote today in an email from theuniverse@tut.com, and it seemed fitting.
"Nothing is ever lost. Not time; for what seems to have passed, lives on in the wisdom of future decisions. Not money; for what seems to have been spent, was only invested. And not love; for what seems to have vanished, has only moved so close you must look within your heart to see it."
I see you in my heart, mom. And in the antiques that decorate my home... and in this happy holiday tureen.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The tree....
Rachel and I finished decorating the tree last night. It has been up and a "work in progress" for a few weeks. This year we decided to do a "theme" tree, something totally different from our normal decorating. We put the Christmas tree in the kitchen, and decorated it all with cinnamon dough made to look like ginger bread. I made the tree topper Ginger Bread Man out of craft paper. We had a lot of fun making and painting the ornaments, and the end result makes me smile. I think next year I will go back to having a big Christmas tree in the living room, with our miss-matched collection of ornaments from the past quarter of a century, but have a small tree in the kitchen with ginger bread again, too. It's a happy thing!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mid life crisis and....
Chanel, (on the left) is the horse I bought last summer. Having her is the fulfillment of a lifelong fantasy. Rip, (on the right) belongs to my friend Marion. Marion encouraged me to buy Chanel, and makes it possible for me to have her since she lives there on her property. She says I should title this photo, "Daryl's mid life crisis and her boyfriend." Ha! Acquiring a horse for a midlife crisis is FAR less complicated than acquiring a boyfriend!
Cute fix for the day...
Monday, December 15, 2008
Beauty around me...
Water has a voice. From the patter of raindrops to the roaring of the sea, and a thousand voices in between.
To my great joy, I can hear the singing of this tiny brook if I step outside my house. It runs along two sides of our property.
Today the pitch was high and sweet, with added notes from the edging of ice around the mouth of this wee waterfall. I wish I could share the sound with you as easily as I can the image. It is beautiful.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Mouse palace...
Here is Twinkle. The baby orphaned Field Mouse I am taking care of. After several days of feeding her kitten formula from an eye dropper, she is eating well on her own. I bought her a 10 gallon aquarium with a tight screen lid and we dubbed it "The Mouse Palace." Here she is sitting on her Campbell's Tomato soup can, waiting for breakfast. Behind her (on the outside of the tank) you will see a bag of pop corn, which is her favorite food. She holds a kernel between her wee pink paws and nibbles away. This is a comical site, as the kernel is nearly as big as she is. Twinkle loves her new Palace and leaps about very happily. She's a funny little house mouse!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Rare bird...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Birthday breakfast....
Twenty five years ago, I had breakfast with Chris at a restaurant. We were newly dating, just getting to know one another. He was from the south. I was from the north. I ordered pancakes and maple syrup. He ordered this weird thing. Sausage, biscuits and gravy. The waitress brought him a white plate covered in white food. White biscuits, white gravy, probably some white grits, too... it was disgusting looking. At that moment I thought, "He is nice and all, but I am NOT spending the rest of my life with a man that eats food that looks like wallpaper paste!
Fast foreword a quarter of a century. Chris turned 50 today and I made him his favorite breakfast. Sausage, biscuits and gravy, (no grits, thankyouverymuch!) It is now one of my favorite breakfasts, too. Our kid agrees.., it is delicious! The cholesterol police are not amused and the American Heart Association is appalled, but this is a yummy meal and worth the health risks! I make it twice a year, Chris' birthday and Fathers day. It is a treat. Funny how our perceptions change with time. And funny to think I nearly missed out on marrying my soul mate because he ate weird food.
Happy Birthday, Chris! I am so glad your parents made you. You have filled my life with joy. You are a treat!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Smooch waits for....
Smooch is waiting for Santa.
He is certain that his stocking will be full of treats because he has been SUCH a good boy. Surely Santa wont mind about those occasional housebreaking accidents, or the adorable ginger bread house (see earlier blog) that he helped to destroy. (Note: royal icing that has been reconstituted by dog saliva dries to a consistency that makes one think it could easily be used on rocket ships to keep the tiles in place!)
Smooch also feels confident that Santa will overlook his incessant barking at nothing and his bizarre predilection for dancing on the lower abdomens of sleeping humans that have full bladders.
I tell him that Santa has a very forgiving nature, but I have also explained to him the chance that his stocking might be chock full of coal. He wont admit it, but looking at the furrows on his brow, I think he's a bit worried.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Sister time...
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Going home...
It is rare, but true... when I go "home," I really go HOME. Not too many 48 year old people can say that!
This is a photo of the house my father built. I lived here my whole young life. The joke was that my dad built another room every time my mom got pregnant. This house started out much smaller!
My sister and her family now live here, and the house has had a paint job and a bit of a face lift, but it still has the same feel it had when I was a kid. What a gift it is to be able to walk the floors my once tiny bare feet learned to walk on, to look out the windows I dreamed out of in my childhood. I learned to read in that room on the far left, lying belly down on the hardwood floor in front of the fireplace. My sister Deb taught me on a red covered, musty smelling book called The Happy Hollisters. It was about a family with a bunch of kids that solved mysteries, like finding lost kittens and such.
I was blessed with a mostly happy childhood... framed here in this structure of wood and brick. I now call another place 'home,' but it is so good to be able to go back and breathe in the memories of yesterday.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I conducted an experiment. Plopped an egg from the grocery store into a bowl. Then I plopped in one from my hens next to it. Here they are, side by side. Can you tell which is which?
The store egg is pale and rather flat looking. The "Lady egg" is on the left... a tall, proud yolk and check out that rich ORANGE color! The difference in flavor is pretty amazing too.
Just thought this was an interesting photo to share. Hungry?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
New pet?

I didn't want a new pet. I especially didn't want a new baby mouse. But somehow I have one. I went over to the local Veterinarian's office to pick something up, and the receptionist showed me this wee little orphan mouse. They had found it in a nest with several dead litter mates. If I didn't take it, they were going to put the tiny thing outside. In the cold. Alone. With no mama. Needless to say it came home with me. I named her Twinkle and she is stinking cute, I am here to tell you. She drinks kitten formula out of an eyedropper and weighs as much as bit of eider down. As new pets go, this one is pretty low impact. And high on the adorableness.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Rachel and I are breaking the mold this year... we put our Christmas tree- - - in the kitchen!
We spend most of our time in the family room and kitchen, and this way the beautiful tree is right where we can enjoy it. And while we were bending tradition, we decided to make all the ornaments ourselves. AND... we are doing it gradually, no mad rush to get the decorating done. We are slowly making and painting and hanging each little ornament. And we are having fun, chatting, giggling, remembering holidays past. It is good.
This photo shows a mostly "naked" tree. In progress. The progress part is full of enjoyment.
To those of you reading my words... I wish you... progress.
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