Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Rachel and I are breaking the mold this year... we put our Christmas tree- - - in the kitchen!

We spend most of our time in the family room and kitchen, and this way the beautiful tree is right where we can enjoy it. And while we were bending tradition, we decided to make all the ornaments ourselves. AND... we are doing it gradually, no mad rush to get the decorating done. We are slowly making and painting and hanging each little ornament. And we are having fun, chatting, giggling, remembering holidays past. It is good.
This photo shows a mostly "naked" tree. In progress. The progress part is full of enjoyment.
To those of you reading my words... I wish you... progress.

1 comment:

solarity said...

It looks pretty well decorated to me.
In this house, I've always put the tree in front of the dining room window, where it can be seen from the road, and from the kitchen, and from the living room. I think the new house is going to call for multiple trees, just not this year.

Mary Anne in Kentucky