Sunday, May 24, 2009

Garden season...

I spent the most perfect day yesterday, puttering in the yard and putting gardens in.
My veggie garden has sweet peas, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, potatoes, onions, squash and sunflowers. I have an extra row and will have to decide what to put there. The possibilities are mind boggling!

I also put in my annual herb garden. Rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, dill, parsley and more. I tossed in some nasturtiums and a back row of dwarf sunflowers for color. A gentle rain came last night to help get the seeds and plants off to a good start. This morning my world smelled like damp earth and the air was full of birdsong. I have the whole, entire day ahead of me, full of possibilities of spring time delights.

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