Friday, July 16, 2010

Funny bunny...

Daughter Rachel brought home a very sweet, ultra tame bunny last winter. She lived in a cage and was bored, bored. I looked into having a nice hutch made for her, but knew it would not offer enough room for her to really be a rabbit. So I took a risk and started letting her hang out in our big (almost an acre) fenced yard. There are places she could escape if she tried. She could dig out. A hawk could get her... but meanwhile she is the happiest of bunnies. She leaps and twists and digs and kicks and eats grass and weeds to her little hearts content. My theory? A life that is rich and full but perhaps shorter is better than a life in prison.

Last night we were sitting outside and watching the bunny romping about. The meat chickens were also out, (scratching, eating, taking dust baths and being chickens.) The bunny approached one bird and stuck her head under the birds chest and lifted up. She repeated this several times. The bird finally became irritated and ran off. The bunny chased her. Then the bunny began to chase OTHER chickens. Much like a bad dog, she was all over the yard, chasing the chickens. The chickens were not amused. But WE were!

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