Thursday, October 14, 2010

Getting along...

Our "household" consists of me, my husband of 26 years, our 21 year old daughter and the following animals:
6 dogs
13 chickens
2 lambs
1 rabbit
(we have a horse but she does not live here.)
I often joke that we have a rule here, and the rule is this: "Everyone gets along."
Amazingly the dogs do not bother the chickens or sheep and they all get along with each other. My husband and I have never had an argument, and we get along with our daughter unusually well. I like this photo because it illustrates the "rule." Here the rabbit munches on some breakfast, side by side with a couple of the chickens. Getting along. That is how I like it.

1 comment:

Seema Patel said...

loving your blog..funny,pleasant anecdotes..nice family :)