Friday, October 26, 2012

Broken duck...

This morning one of my two ducks was missing in action. She has a very regular routine, but was nowhere to be seen as I tossed out scratch grains for the birds. I worried and fretted while I did my chores. Just before I had to leave for work I saw her emerging from under the hen house. She laid down, and other than trembling, was motionless. When a chicken tried to chase her, I realized her left leg was badly injured. Five minutes later, with some help from my patient husband, I had her safely ensconced in a cardboard box lined with fragrant hay. She rode quietly next to me on the front seat of the truck as I took her to our wonderful veterinarians office.
The staff at Pen Bay Veterinary probably don't patch up ducks often, but today they handled our little duck with kindness, care and creativity. They explained to me how they made her a little splint out of a Popsicle stick and a piece of cardboard cut to the shape of a duck foot. Then they told me to keep her splinted leg dry. THAT will be a challenge! Ducks and dry are not synonymous, and Muscovy ducks tend to create large, moist (and odoriferous!) poop. I can imagine this cute little ducky splint will not look so tidy by tomorrow. Tonight my broken duck is safely nestled in a cage in the garage, on a deep layer of soft shavings. Dr. Pierce is concerned that there may be nerve damage, and we need to watch to make sure the ducks leg does not become necrotic. I am hoping that she will make a full recovery... she is young, strong and healthy. If I were a "real" farmer I would have put her down this morning, not paid for xrays and and office visit and a special little splint. I guess I am just not that real.

1 comment:

solarity said...

Best wishes for a quick recovery to Ms. Muscovy.

Mary Anne in Kentucky