Sunday, December 11, 2016

Celebrating Chris...

I got lucky in the husband department, and I know it. Today is my beloved's birthday.

Having a December birthday was hard on him as a kid.  He told me that he would want some specific toy and ask for it and when he didn't get it for his birthday his mom would say, "Christmas is coming." Then at Christmas the coveted toy did not appear, and he would be told, "You just had a birthday!"  This story made me sad. I love birthday's and like to make a big deal about them.  Years ago I came up with a tradition to celebrate Chris which he enjoys. We take the day off together, and it is all about him.  He is not a morning person by nature, but has to get up early every day to commute to work and be there on time.  On his birthday, he sleeps in, getting up only when he smells his favorite breakfast cooking.  Sausage biscuits and gravy, so bad for him I only make it twice a year, (the other day is Father's day.)  After we clog our arteries with that delicious treat, we head out.

 I squirrel a bit of money away all year just for this, and I hand him what I have managed to save.  He then gets to go wherever he wants and buy something just for himself.  He rarely treats himself to anything, feeling it would be selfish when there are bills to pay and responsibilities to tend to.

Usually he heads to Cabela's.  This year I suggested that he might want a new laptop computer. His is ancient and tired. Since he is a computer geek by trade, it seemed only right that he should have a nice new one. I would never dare choose one for him, because he knows so much more about them than I do.  He liked the idea, so we drove to Augusta and did some shopping.  He found one that made his eyes light up, I paid for it, and off we went.  We made a few more stops, then I took him out to lunch. He chose a favorite sea food place and we had a fine meal.

There should be more days a year to celebrate Chris. He is one in a million, and I am so glad he is mine.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Belated Birthday Chris!