Monday, February 23, 2009

February storm...

The storm blew in with high winds, so that when I woke and looked out the window, I couldn't. Because the glass was obscured in snow. Our grill sported a +12 inch hat of frozen white. Too bad, because since we were without the god of electricity, it would have been nice to be able to grill some of the meat that was thawing in the freezer.

The dogs were spooked all day because the house was so very quiet. No humming of the refrigerator, no rumble of the old furnace in the basement. (No loud music from my husband) Hardly any cars thrummed on the road outside, though plow trucks roared by occasionally, spewing sand and salt.

We tried to take a rare nap, but just as we got warm and drowsy under the feather duvet, our plow guy called and told us to move our cars so he could clear the drive. Roused from the warm bed we shoveled and spun tires until the plow guy came and towed us out. A walk up the road showed us that the footing was treacherous, the snow covered a thick layer of ice.

Back indoors we concocted a wonderful vat of soup on the wood stove, and served it with focaccia left over from yesterdays baking spree. Candles and oil lamps cast a warm light, and flames from the wood stove flickered rosily. Conversation flowed. It was almost sad when we heard the furnace rumble to life, and the lights flickered on.

A day with no power, no running water, no flush toilets... (no INTERNET!), makes the hands on the clock seem to slow measurably. It is a pleasant reflection to a different time, with a more metered pace. But as for me, I am glad to have my plumbing back.
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1 comment:

me said...

Daryl, lovely post, makes it seem almost romantic. Good that you have the spirit to make the best of it. I don't think I would! It's been a long and wintery winter, and I dont envy you the snow. We just have minus 20C and the last snow dump didn't settle.