Wednesday, December 30, 2009


My friend raises cows. This year she harvested two steers. We are buying one half... in fact, we currently have two freezers packed tight with what we call, "grass fed, free range, dolphin safe, beef." We cooked the first of it recently, N.Y. sirloin strip steaks. Delishious! And tonight I cut the heart up and let the dogs dine upon it. The advertisements are right, beef, it's whats for dinner. For a long, LONG time.


solarity said...

The black one is a Dexter, isn't it? Is the hairy thing a Highland Cow?

May your freezer be full for the coming year!

Mary Anne in Kentucky

Daryl said...

You are correct... the black is a Dexter and the "hairy thing" a Highland. Not huge, but tasty!!

solarity said...

Good thing I'm about to broil some deer liver for supper or I'd be jealous.

Marianne said...

Oh Yum!