Saturday, August 28, 2010

Sharing the "putting things by..."

Sister Deb is home from her magical summer of adventuring and has come to visit us. Today we covered a lot of territory, and one of the things we did was put up 32 or so quarts of amazing tomato sauce. Rachel helped. We got a bushel of tomato's, 12 onions, 2 heads of garlic, 4 hot peppers, several sweet peppers and some zucchini. We sat out at the beloved picnic table and cut the veggies up, then back inside where we roasted them all in a hot oven for hours. Then whirled everything in small batches in the blender, added olive oil, tomato paste and seasonings and put it all back in to cook more. A huge vat of fragrant sauce is still simmering away.
This winter when we cook with the sauce it will taste like condensed summer and remind us of the sweetness of shared time. True bounty! (Please note the lamb looking on at our veggie chopping party.)

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