Thursday, March 31, 2016


Thirty two years ago, on a beautiful mountain in Lynchburg, Virginia, I said "I do," to this guy.
And he did, too.

It's been a wonderful, magical, love and laughter filled union.  I am grateful every day.
We eloped on my birthday, and today I turned 56.
We both took the day off work. He drove me to Pemaquid Point, one of my favorite spots. The surf crashed on the rocks, and bell buoy called out a lonesome song.  We scrambled around on the rocks, not very gracefully, and both felt our age. I leaned on him as we went from boulder to boulder, much as I do every day, as we go through life.

This is the spot where some of my ancestors were shipwrecked in in 1635.
Chris refers to them as my "navigationally challenged ancestors."

We then grabbed some excellent friend clams and scallops at a favorite little lunch place, and continued our adventure.  We drove on roads we had never been down before, and popped into interesting little shops that beckoned.  There was hand holding and chatting and comfortable silences... the kind you can appreciate when you have spent decades together. 

And then we came home, our favorite place to be. It was a lovely birthday and anniversary.  Or, as we call it, "birthdaversary." 

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