Saturday, August 29, 2009


This jellyfish floated past me last weekend while I waded in the Gulf.
I was struck by the way its tentacles fanned out around it, ready to touch anything within its reach.

This morning dawned unseasonably cold and with high winds and pelting rain. The hot water heater had hiccuped, so I had to take an icy shower before work. I was not my absolute cheery best when I began my work day.

And then... and then, a vacationing man came and handed me his dog. He beamed at me. He said, "That last haircut was the best one our dog ever had! You did SUCH a nice job. My wife and I wish you would move to where we live and groom!" And there it was. A tentacle. Reaching out, and changing the entire tenor of my day.

I need to spread more tentacles out. Don't you?