Friday, June 11, 2010

Going home...

It was a beautiful day. At work I kept on thinking about going home. I planned to take care of all the animals, then sit quietly in the back yard. I planned to cook a simple summer supper of steak and veggies on the grill and share a quiet evening with my best friend (who is, coincidentally, my husband.)
I took my camera with me when I went. I took pictures of the dogs playing, of dinner cooking. I lit a fire in the fire pit and took pictures of the flames lapping the dry pine. I took pictures of the rabbit and the chickens and the lambs. And I took pictures of birds on the feeders, in the air, and zooming into the bird house.
And I pondered the universal appeal of going home. The place of ease and rest and security and comfort. I am so grateful to have a home to go to.

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