Wednesday, June 30, 2010

How does my garden grow?

My garden is beautiful this year, no doubt about it. Last night we had a magnificent little salad with 4 kinds of lettuce grown here, and totally delicious fresh broccoli which had been harvested only moments before we ate. Soon I will have strawberries, and later carrots, celery, tomatoes, squash and hopefully peppers. We have not had a lot of luck with peppers before, but are giving them one final effort. I have two rows of sunflowers coming up, too... just for the joy of them. Well, joy AND the fact that the wild birds and chickens all love them.
From planting to harvesting there is beauty in the work and in the process.


Lizzie said...

How lovely it all looks. Someday I will restore my gardens and have fresh veggies again. I am just too tired to contemplate it for now. Stopped by from New England Bloggers to say hi and Happy 4th.

me said...

Totally jealous, our crops are slow and suffering this year and we never have any luck with sunflowers