Bluebirds nest on our property each year. There is something magical about these sky clad birds, and it seems a privilege to have them here from March till September. I await their arrival each spring, and it is a day to mark on the calender when I see a bright male scouting out the nest boxes we have along the fence line. He perches on them, one by one, calling for a mate. When she comes they begin to investigate, going in and out of each box over and over again. Finally they begin to gather grasses and feathers and make a cozy bed down deep inside the chosen box.
A few years ago I had the bright idea that it would be good to put new boxes up to mark the corners of our property. It seemed to be one of those chores that was easy to put off, and put it off we have, season after season. Until yesterday. Chris and I bought some cedar posts and one new bird house. Then I rummaged through the garage till I found another blue bird house I bought from a local guy a few years back. And Chris pounded the posts in till they were secure, then fastened the houses on tightly.
Now we wait-- wait until one day some bright feathers catch my eye, or a clear familiar song chimes through the early spring air. What follows will be long days of watching the busy parents scout for insects in the meadow. They will make a thousand trips to the nest, filling up the beaks of chicks. And then the yard will one day have multiple MORE blue birds as the young ones spread their wings and learn to hunt on their own. Hopefully they will return here next spring and continue to fill the air with song and beauty and more shards of blue slicing through the summer air.
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